Hello Friends!
I’M BACK! Really! You may have a few questions,
and I’m here to answer them!

Q- You fell off the face of the earth. Where did you go?
A- Yes, yes. I am painfully aware it has been OVER a year since my last post. But I have some really good excuses!
Like an entire kitchen renovation!
And having a baby!!!
And leaving my position at the library and becoming a stay at home mom!
Now that my feet are kinda sorta back on the ground I have made it a point to find a couple of minutes each day while momming to create. I’ve promised myself that I would begin sharing my creations with you all again.
Q- Where’s the free stuff? Will it be the same kind of stuff?
A- Yes! Paper is still my passion.
Although since my departure from the library, my creations are a bit smaller. My focus now is on home DIY projects, paper craft decorations for holidays and seasons, and card making! I also have some legacy library displays that I never got a chance to share- so be on the lookout for those posts as well. And yes- there will be free patterns and files just for you!
Q- Will you post on a regular basis?
A- NOPE. Because BABY. But I’ll try! Seriously, I can’t even get my daughter to nap at a consistent time every day. I can’t yet commit myself to a posting schedule only to disappoint you all. Baby steps. No pun intended. The goal is consistency, but think of my posts as little surprises. And if they start happening more often than not- I’m calling that a win!
Q- A baby you say?
A- Why yes! Let me tell you ALL ABOUT my child! It’s what mom’s do! (I’m kidding. Mostly….) Shortly after my last post in July 2016,and near the end of our kitchen renovation, we found out we were expecting! (Finished that kitchen JUST IN TIME!) We welcomed our daughter Lily at the end of April 2017.
I’m super proud to be a mom and super lucky to be able to stay home and help her learn and grow. Being a SAHM is the hardest job I’ve ever had but the most rewarding. She is by far my best creation. 😉
I’m really excited to dive back into blogging and crafting, my reprieve from diapers and dishes! And I hope that you will be inspired by my freebies and crafts!Thanks for reading! AND Thanks for coming back! Come back soon for more!
Welcome back!