I’m Nikki- an artistic, sassy, craft peddling twenty something. Being crafty is a lifestyle for me and I try to bring my creativity into everything I do. I may be short in stature, but not on creativity.
I am a Wyoming native, born and raised. I studied scenic design and painting from the University of Wyoming, and after college, moved to Denver with my other half. I soon found myself working in an unlikely setting for an artist- a library.For six years I designed and crafted displays for my neighborhood branch. Although my first love is painting, the library is where I developed my fondness for paper craft. My most recent adventure has been motherhood. I now stay home to raise my daughter full time and attempt to blog about my creative endeavors part time. 😉
In addition to paper craft and design, I enjoy reading, pinning profusely, playing with my daughter Lily, spending time outdoors with our rescue pibble Riley, and the never ending task of renovating our first home with my incredibly supportive husband Thomas.